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Opportunity stages made easy

As a sales representative, managing your sales opportunities is pretty important.  After all, an opportunity that is monitored and managed properly could potentially equal a sale.  Throughout a typical sales process, a sales representative would update the opportunity “stage” to match where the client currently sits in moving ahead with the sale, as well as how likely they will be to pull the trigger.  Now wouldn’t it be nice if all I had to worry about was updating my “stage” and not what probability percentage we were at?  This is especially a nuisance to update if I already know certain stages typically equal certain probability percentages.  Seeing as we use what we preach, we’ve added a little something to help out with this.

New feature: Automatic Probability % 

Clicking the “Stage” dropdown list for any opportunity will expose a new column indicating the default probability percentage associated with that stage.  Once a stage is selected, the probability percentage will automatically update to the default percentage.  How does this benefit you?  You don’t have to worry about entering in the percentage manually by typing it in.  Secondly, you don’t have to remember to do it!  You laugh, but it’s true.  Can you imagine setting an opportunity to “Closed Won” yet forgetting to set your percentage to 100?  That would totally throw off the very cool graphs I talked about last week in my blog post.  

New stage percentage

Of course, you can always add your own stages and change the percentages to match your needs by clicking the details button (... – the three dots next to the dropdown list).  If you don’t like the default set by that stage, just type one in manually and override it.  

What’s even cooler is that a new plug-in we are releasing will also update the percentage using the same perference you set in Method.  Oops...more on that later. Stick out tongue


Danny Do Couto
Method Integration

View Danny Do Couto's profile on LinkedIn


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