Method Community



New Field Services Documentation


Welcome to the new year, Method users.  Alex here again - documentation specialist and sometime-sidekick to Errol the video guru. For those of you who have been asking (and from what consulting and support have told me, it’s been many of you) I’m pleased to report our next section of documentation is up and running.  


It is with the greatest pleasure I announce the launch of the updated Field Services / Scheduling and Invoicing documentation (with nine dedicated Errol videos to boot for those of you who consider yourselves card-carrying members of Errol’s fan club - which I am beginning to suspect is a real thing). 


The breakdown is similar to what you have seen in this section up until now: under Field Services in the Help Center you'll find some A-to-B walkthroughs including how to set up field services, customization suggestions, and more.


But what we’re really pleased about is the Field Services Center, which you can find as another tree under Field Services. There, you'll find an exhaustive breakdown of every screen and function associated with field services, supplemented by Errol's videos where appropriate.  Need to know how to turn a work order into an invoice?  It’s there.  Questions about how to set up time tracking?  Oh, we’ve got you covered.  Want to schedule a work order using the Calendar?  Now you know how.  


And if you’re looking for a little more context relevant to your business, check out our three-part Day in the Life series, found under the Tutorial section.  Here we’ll cover three standard days in Field Services life from the perspective of different service industries.  If your particular industry isn’t included, don’t worry - there are a lot of similarities between how different businesses use Method, so our examples will likely apply to you too!


Feel free to take a look at the new material, and as always Errol and I would love your feedback.  However!  We have changed our contact information.  Moving forward, if you want to contact Errol or me, please refer your emails to  Because from now on, we are educators!  

Alex the Method Educator









That’s all from the documentation camp for this week, Methodites. 

Excelsior, et cetera!


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About Method_Alex

Alex is a veteran writer and editor hailing from Toronto, Canada. He is an honours graduate of the University of Toronto’s Specialist program in rhetoric and composition, and has written for a variety of interests including advertisers, live media, academia, and a variety of news outlets. When he isn’t translating tech-talk for Method CRM, he can be found playing in his band or reading to his son.