Method Community



Updates From Method's Video Guy


Hello, and welcome to another Method CRM blog post written by me, Errol!

I haven’t written a blog post in a very long time. Lynda has favourites and I’m not one of them. Ha! I’m kidding.

Anyway, I have so many things that I want to talk about. For example, did you know that in our Help Center, I have listed out all my videos? You did? Did I already mention that? Well, it’s good to have a reminder regardless.

And this is growing!

Did you also know that Jason and myself have been at Method for a year? That’s right, it’s our one year anniversary and we wrote a song. I don’t know why we’re sharing this song but we are giving you full permission to mock us.


And finally, I have two video series to give you and that’s the Google Gadget Plug-in, as well as the Outlook Plug-in. If you are not aware that you can use these plug-ins to help integrate Method more into your CRM workflow, well now you know. Check out the documentation that Alex has updated, and then take a gander at these videos.


And that’s it! I hope you have a great Valentine’s day. Speaking of Valentine’s day, here’s a photo with my officemate, Lynda. She LOVES Valentine’s day… a little too much in my opinion.


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About Method_Errol

Errol Elumir is the Product Education Specialist for Method CRM. He will do his best to provide clear and concise screencasts to help you understand Method. When not recording his voice for Method, he critiques Escape Rooms.