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"The name of the XXXXXXXX list element is already in use" in resolve conflicts

Last post 04-14-2014 11:16 AM by Anonymous. 3 replies.
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  • 04-11-2014 3:47 PM

    "The name of the XXXXXXXX list element is already in use" in resolve conflicts

    I have several conflicts that say QuickBooks returned an error when adding/modifying a accEntity record. The error was: The name "XXXXXXX" of the list element is already in use (where XXXXXXX is the name of a customer) thatr I cannot seem to fix. It appears as though I have multiple customers of the same name when this happens. How canb I resolve this conflict? I am assuming I have to alter something in QuickBooks, I am just not sure what.


    thanks for reading!

  • 04-14-2014 10:34 AM In reply to

    Re: "The name of the XXXXXXXX list element is already in use" in resolve conflicts

    Hi scottaskinosie,

    I have a feeling I know what this error is based off your description, however a couple pieces of additional info should help.  Can you let me know the Conflict "Type" for these conflicts in question, do they happen to be "Delete From Desktop".  Even better, would be a screenshot of at least of your conflicts, showing the grid Headers in the shot.

    Before I make any suggestions I would like to know what type of conflict this is before making any guesses. You could also attempt to see yourself if more than 1 Customer is in your Method Database, you can do this by going to the "Customers and Contacts List" , from the Customers tab.  From here, at the bottom right corner of the Contacts Grid, you should see a Gear button, click this and you will see some additional Columns that can be added to your grid, it should help by selecting the "RecordID" and "Entity RecordID", this will help differentiate your contacts, as well as help you locate the RecordID that was given from the Conflicts screen.

    Please let us know the type of conflict these are, and possibly provide a screenshot, with this additional information we should be able to offer you some guidance on how to resolve these conflicts.


  • 04-14-2014 11:03 AM In reply to

    Re: "The name of the XXXXXXXX list element is already in use" in resolve conflicts

    Thank you Ben, I have a screen shot but don't know how to post it in this reply. It asks for an image URL so I guess I need to put it online somewhere?

  • 04-14-2014 11:16 AM In reply to

    Re: "The name of the XXXXXXXX list element is already in use" in resolve conflicts


    Yes, sorry I wasn't sure to expand on the screenshot part.  If you want, you could upload your image to a photo bank website, I use, however there are many out there.  These sites will provide you with a link to the image, then you would use the icon you were attempting earlier, now you would add this link.

    If you want to speed this up, you could simply email me the image, and I can upload it here for you, at least this way I would have it right away also.  My email is


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