SaaSphalt Help Center

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Solution No. 55

Once you’ve finally gotten used to using SaaSphalt, you can begin to make your account truly your own. Perhaps you wish the Save button was in a different place. Maybe you wish clicking on a certain app tile would bring you to a different screen altogether. Whatever the case may be, it’s your account, so why shouldn’t it be built the way you like it? SaaSphalt’s greatest strength lies in its ability to be fully customized.

While, in the last Help Center section, we did a step-by-step walkthrough of the SaaSphalt experience; this time we will go over each individual item. This is less of a how-to, but rather more of a "this is what this does". We're going to get a bit more technical than the last section, so you should probably only attempt customization after your are already comfortable enough with the SaaSphalt program. 

Now, you should be aware that creating custom screens (or changing already existing screens) steps away from the point where free tech support is available, but our paid consulting staff is available to help you through mostly any trouble you might run into. And, don’t worry, because any changes you make to the basic SaaSphalt apps are completely reversible (as you will make changes to a copy rather than the actual app) and the default apps will always be available to go back to.