Opportunity type
Solution No. 317
How to create a new opportunity type
How to edit an existing opportunity type
New opportunity type screen
Edit opportunity type screen
An opportunity type is a denotation that allows us to distinguish between whether or not the opportunity is "existing business" (e.g. new business potentially coming from an existing customer) or "new business" (e.g. new business potentially coming from a lead or new customer). While those two stock options are usually enough for most businesses, we always like to give you the option to create your own or change our stock settings. This breakdown will show you how to do both, and provide a helpful guide to the elements on the screen.
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How to create a new opportunity type
From the New opportunity screen, scroll down to the check box called "Add additional info" and click on it. This will generate the Additional Info screen.
Click on the Type drop down menu and select the option, or click on the ellipses button (...) next to the drop down menu. Either option will open the New/edit opportunity type screen.
Create a name for your new opportunity type and type it into the Name field. It may be helpful to choose a name that best describes the type you are creating.
Clicking Save will save the fields you've filled in above. Clicking Save & New will save the fields and clear them. Clicking Save & Close will save the fields and return you to the New opportunity screen. Your new opportunity type will now appear in the drop down menu as a clickable option. It will also appear in the Existing opportunity type grid below (which we'll explain in the Edit an existing opportunity type section below).
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How to edit an existing opportunity type
Repeat Steps 1 and 2 from above.
Click Select next to the opportunity type you'd like to edit. This will populate the name field in the New opportunity type section with the value associated with this type.
From here, you can alter the name of the selected type, which is the only value associated with this screen.
Clicking Save will save the fields you've filled in above. Clicking Save & New will save the fields and clear them. Clicking Save & Close will save the fields and return you to the New opportunity screen. Your edited opportunity type will now reflect the changes you've made. It will still appear in the drop down menu as a clickable option. It will also appear in the Existing opportunity type grid below.
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Screen overview
The following is a breakdown of the New/edit opportunity type screen. We'll take a closer look at each element of the screen (drop down menus, buttons, etc.) so you know exactly what each element does. We hope this will be a useful "glossary" of sorts for new users!
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New opportunity type screen
The New opportunity type screen has a total of one field, which is required in order for Method to save the information.
Opportunity type: This will be the name of your new opportunity type, and is the only information that needs to be included to create a new one.
The five buttons at the bottom of this screen should be familiar to you from other areas of Method.
- More actions: This button allows you to either delete the opportunity type (which can't be undone) or to clear the fields in preparation for a new opportunity stage.
- Save: This button will save your new opportunity type so it will appear in the Opportunity type drop down menu once the screen is refreshed.
- Save & New: This button will save your new opportunity type and then clear the fields on the screen in preparation for a new opportunity type.
- Save & Close: This button will save your new opportunity type and then close the New/edit opportunity type screen.
- Cancel / close: This button will close the New/edit lead opportunity type without saving.
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Edit opportunity type screen
Directly below the screen described above is the Existing opportunity type grid.
As usual, you can use the grid the same way as other grids in Method (see Grid functionality for more details). Clicking on "select" next to any existing opportunity type will populate the field above with the name of that opportunity type.
From there, you can edit the field as necessary, renaming the opportunity type. The buttons below operate the same as with a New opportunity type. Remember, making changes to existing opportunity types and then saving those changes will take effect across your entire Method environment, so it's best not to change the settings on out-of-the-box stages unless you really know what you're doing - you can always create your own instead!
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Created on | Jul-23-2013 |
Last modified on | Sep-17-2015 |